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Plant Tomatoes Sideways: Trench Planting for Big, Healthy Plants ​

Trench Plant Tomatoes Sideways

Tomato Gardening ​

Are you wondering how to grow big tomato plants with high yields this season? Tomato gardening is an art form, and it often starts with growing seedlings inside, hardening them off, and then transplanting them to new pots or an in-ground garden.

While you may have raised tomatoes before, trench planting is a unique way to grow robust plants that produce a maximum tomato yield.

Our helpful hints will help you get started in planting your tomatoes sideways for an overabundance of fruit this season.

Trench Planting ​

Trench planting is a method in which the entire tomato seedling is buried underground inside a trench, or furrow, with only the top part of the plant being exposed to air and sunlight.

When placed on its side and backfilled with nutrient-rich soil, the tomato seedling can grow a deeper root system and enjoy improved access to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Benefits of Trench Planting ​

There are many benefits of trench planting, such as deep root development, improved soil structure, and moisture retention.

Additionally, trench planting of tomatoes leads to increased heat absorption, space efficiency, reduced water runoff, and erosion control.

Lastly, it is much more convenient to add mulch to beds that are trenched.

While trench planting provides benefits in any climate, it is particularly beneficial in environments that are typically hot and dry.

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How to Trench Plant Tomatoes ​

Here are our top 14 tips for trench-planting tomatoes:

  1. Select a high-yield tomato variety, like beefsteaks or romas.
  2. Choose a sunny location with well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
  3. Dig a trench roughly 4-6 inches deep.
  4. Sprinkle compost into the bottom of the trench.
  5. Space seedlings at the recommended distance for that variety.
  6. Gently remove seedlings from their container or tray and lay them horizontally.
  7. Backfill the trench with soil, burying most of the stem(roots will grow from the stem too!).
  8. Leave the top portion of the plant, including the leaves and branches, above the soil line.
  9. Add a layer of mulch around the seedlings.
  10. Water the plants immediately.
  11. As your seedlings grow, install cages, stakes or florida weave around each plant for support.
  12. Water regularly, making sure that soil stays moist consistently.
  13. Fertilize every 4-6 weeks with granular fertilizer and supplement every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer.
  14. Address any disease or pest-related problems as soon as they become apparent.

When to Trench Plant Tomatoes ​

Once the soil has warmed up for the season and the threat of frost has passed, which should be in no time at all in Florida, it’s time to start trench planting your tomatoes.

For optimal germination and growth, shoot for soil that stays between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit consistently and an absence of frost for a minimum of 2-3 weeks.

Tomato Yield ​

Trench planting sets up the right conditions to grow healthy tomato plants and lots of fruit for you and your family to enjoy.

To optimize your tomato yield this season, follow our advice for selecting the right varieties, preparing the soil, planting your seedlings in trenches, and watering and fertilizing as needed.

By the end of the growing season, you will have well-supported, pruned, and disease- and pest-free plants that provide ample delectable tomatoes for your meals.

Brandon Franklin

Brandon Franklin

Howdy! My name is Brandon, but my boys call me BFrank. I was born and raised in South Florida. Years ago I discovered gardening because I wanted to have more control over the food my family consumed at home and reduce our reliability on the supermarket. @ Meet the Gardener